World MS Day is an annual event marked on 30 May, bringing the global MS community together to share their stories, raise awareness, and campaign for everyone living with MS.

The theme for 2020 to 2022 is MS Connections, committed to building community connections, self-connection and connections to quality care.
The campaign tagline is ‘I Connect, We Connect’ and the campaign hashtag is #MSConnections.
MS Connections challenges social barriers that leave people affected by MS feeling lonely and socially isolated.
It is an opportunity to advocate for better services, celebrate support networks and champion self-care.
The theme of connecting has been introduced due to its wide-ranging prospects.
There are many key angles that people are hoping to celebrate this World MS Day.
From challenging stigma that can still be experienced by people living with MS, the opportunity to build communities that can nurture people with MS and their carers, to promoting self-care and wellbeing for people living with MS.
There are still plenty of ways you can participate in World MS Day, even with the ongoing pandemic.
From organising a virtual event, fundraising for the MS Connections campaign, discuss your live with MS to help raise awareness of advocate for change for yourself and the wider community, World MS Day is a time to connect and call for increased awareness.
You can even show your involvement with World MS Day by taking a photograph by connecting your hands to make a heart.
Inspired by a sign language symbol for the word ‘together’, the MS Heart is a symbol of solidarity with everyone affected by MS.
Have you found your #MSConnections? Share your experience with the #EnableCommunity online Twitter, Facebook or Instagram.