Green Commute Initiative (GCI) operates an Inclusive Cycle to Work Scheme, enabling all PAYE employees, no matter their mobility issues, to access any cycle or trike suited to their needs.

Through the scheme, savings of between 32 per cent and 47 per cent can be made on brand new cycles.
GCI’s pioneering scheme was the first to have no spend limit. This means that specialist cycles and trikes which typically have higher price tags, can be obtained through the scheme.
Eighteen months ago, GCI consulted with leading trike manufacturer, Tomcat, and the charity, Wheels for Wellbeing, to develop appropriate marketing assets to promote its scheme to the disability market.
GCI’s first hand cycle order
In 1993, at the age of 23, Guy Nicholson was diagnosed with a malignant tumour in his upper thoracic spinal cord. Following surgery, Guy was left with an incomplete spinal injury which severely reduced the strength and co-ordination in his legs and lower body.
Although Guy is able to walk with the aid of sticks, he cannot do so over long distances and it’s becoming harder as he gets older. Whilst Guy uses a recumbent trike for leisure activities, it’s not suitable for commuting.
To help build and maintain his fitness, Guy wanted to cycle to work and quickly realised that GCI’s scheme with no £1,000 limit was the clear choice.
Guy sought the approval of his employer who immediately understood the obvious benefits for both Guy and the company and happily agreed.
Guy approached Draft Wheelchairs, a supplier of hand cycles and other specialist mobility equipment, to see if he could acquire a new hand cycle using the GCI scheme. With their help, Guy tried out the different hand cycles available and selected a Top-End Force 3 hand cycle with a retail price of £2,950.

By using the GCI Savings Calculator, Guy worked out that as a higher rate taxpayer, he could save 42 per cent. The result is a reduction in net salary of just £47.53 per month over three years, representing a massive saving of £1,239.
This significant saving can be further enhanced by the VAT relief on assisted equipment, thus making a total possible saving of £1,829, or a huge 62% discount!
The results
Guy lives in Dorset whilst his office is in Hampshire which is a 120-mile round trip commute, far too much for anyone to cycle for their commute!
Guy splits his journey into two sections; he drives to his colleague’s house which is closer to the office and commutes the rest of the way using his hand cycle. Thus, he is able to achieve his objectives of improving his fitness whilst reducing his environmental impact.
For more information visit or call 020 3794 1836