Going the extra mile this recycle week

This week is recycle week giving you the chance to get educated on what can be recycled and where, but there’s more you can do than separating your paper and plastic. 

Limbcare provide information and support for limb impaired people and amputees in the UK, their families and carers.

Along with these services they also provide a recycling service for old or unusable prosthetics. Old prosthetics are often found in landfill sites once they are past their best.

They cannot be reused within the UK for health and safety reasons, but some parts can be sent overseas and reused and some parts can even be resold.

If prosthetic limbs cannot be reused or sold for parts they can be broken up for scrap metal to be recycled.

Credit @LimbcareUK, @SWNS on Twitter

Money raised from selling parts or scrap metal is ploughed back in to mentoring trainee prosthetists and technicians.

Along with prosthetics, crutches, wheelchairs, mobility scooters and other mobility aids can be reused to help others.

Mobility aids and prosthetics can be picked up from throughout the UK and are then taken to the Limbcare recycling centre in Camberley where they are then reused or recycled.

If you have any prosthetic limbs, orthotic parts, crutches, frames, wheelchairs or other mobility aids which are not required call Limbcare on 0800 052 1174 or visit www.limbcare.org

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