The sports brand are staying true to their slogan and encouraging women of all sizes and abilities to just do it.
As the renowned sporting brand opened the new women’s floor of NikeTown on London’s Oxford Street, visitors were pleased to see mannequins that truly represented them.
Alongside the mannequins we expect to see in store Nike have included a plus-size, para-sport, and a hijab-wearing mannequin.
The new mannequins are part of the activewear brand’s effort to make sport inclusive for all.

Mannequins representing different disabilities are appearing more often after a wedding boutique in Bristol featured a mannequin in a wheelchair in its window display in January.
Nike’s latest addition is a step in the right direction towards better inclusion and diversity in the retail industry.
The new women’s floor will also feature local women’s sport on screens alongside displaying the England women’s football team kit for the first time.
Have you seen the new mannequins? Let us know on Twitter and Instagram.