HRH The Princess Royal, the Royal Patron of the Spinal Injuries Association (SIA) has sent a message of support to everyone affected by a spinal cord injury and the charities providing support.

Sending a message of support to the 50,000 spinal cord injured people in the UK and those who provide care and support to them during the Coronavirus pandemic, HRH The Princess Royal commended people’s determination.
The message of support read: “As Patron of the Spinal Injuries Association, I understand the many challenges that you experience in your daily lives as well as the grit and determination needed to rebuild your lives after injury or diagnosis.
“Many rely on carers to meet basic life sustaining needs. Some are more susceptible to infections and are at greater risk of severe complications if they develop symptoms.
“Self-isolation and social distancing away from loved ones can be hard, painful even, for all of us.”
The charity has seen a huge increase in demand for its services from spinal cord injured people concerned at how Coronavirus might affect them.
It has redeployed its services to ensure every one of the 50,000 people living with spinal cord injury gets the information, advice and support they need to stay safe, well and out of hospital – saving lives and protecting the NHS.
The messages acknowledges the charity’s work as a great example of the support given to vulnerable people during the Coronavirus crisis and tells people paralysed by spinal cord injury that they have not been forgotten.

“I want to let you know that you are not forgotten,” continued the message from HRH The Princess Royal.
“Charitable organisations from across the country are united in their commitment and determination to support vulnerable people.
“Spinal Injuries Association’s ambition is nothing less than to ensure that no injured person is left to face this crisis alone.
“Their determination that every [spinal cord injury] person gets the information, advocacy and support they need to stay safe and well, and out of hospital – thereby saving lives and protecting the NHS – is to be applauded.
“Their work is a great example of those who are working so tirelessly to support other vulnerable people in our communities across the country.”

Spinal cord injuries can affect people in different ways, and the road to rehabilitation can be long, challenging, and uncertain – even more so in the current climate.
It is for this reason the message sent by HRH The Princess Royal has been a positive boost for both people living with a spinal cord injury and those supporting their care.
Andrew Smart of Spinal Injury Association commented: “As an active, thoughtful and engaged Patron of SIA, HRH has met many people affected by spinal cord injury.
“She always takes the time to talk and to learn more about the daily challenges that spinal cord injured people and their families face and presented awards at our Rebuilding Lives Awards, her words reflect the commitment she continues to show to our cause and lifted our spirits during these difficult times.”
When it comes to living with spinal cord injury, you are not alone.
Find out more about SIA, SCI and coronavirus by visiting their website here. If you know someone who needs our help, just call 0800 980 0501.