The experienced and skilled team at DM Orthotics are proud to provide support and mobility aids to thousands across the UK, changing lives and helping people with their independence. Here are just a few of those lives changed.

“I can achieve what I want to now,” says Chloe, an active teenager who loves ballet, tap-dancing and drama. “My condition doesn’t dominate my life – it doesn’t define who I am.”
Not so long ago, that wouldn’t have seemed possible.
Aged 11 and experieincing extreme pain from the curvature in her spine caused by scoliosis, Chloe found it hard just to get dressed.
“There was very little information available about the condition,” says Chloe’s mum, Jo. “We searched for something that could help her as she was in such agony.
“I found DM Orthotics who were extremely supportive about Chloe’s situation and arranged for her to be fitted with a scoliosis suit.”
Chloe couldn’t be happier with the bespoke support that the orthosis provides.

“It was a little strange at first and threw my balance,” she says. “I was reassured though that this meant the suit was working as it should, re-aligning my spine and training my muscles to act in a new and corrected way.
“I soon got used to it and it now feels like another layer of skin. Combined with physiotherapy, the scoliosis suit has enabled me to stand more upright, improved my balance and given me greater confidence.”
Alex is a young boy who loves to run and play football with his friends. Not so long ago, though, he couldn’t keep his balance as he has classic Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS), which means his body’s connective tissue and collagen becomes fragile and stretchy.
The condition was causing him an immense amount of pain in his lower body and he would often fall as a result. Now, after being fitted with dynamic movement orthosis (DMO) leggings, he is much more in control and active.

“His teachers have commented on how steady he is and are no longer afraid of him stepping on others or losing his balance,” says mum, Jacqui.
“Alex hasn’t fallen in the last 12 months, so he hasn’t needed his usual trip to Accident and Emergency to be glued.”
“As well as running and playing football, he has the confidence to climb climbing frames, hop and jump around – whereas before, he was fearful in case he injured himself or the activity hurt,” adds Jacqui.
“When he isn’t wearing his DMO, he no longer hyper extends his knees, rotates his legs or sticks his bottom out to maintain his posture – instead he stands in a beautiful midline symmetrical position.”
Four-year-old Jakov suffers from scoliosis and muscle hypotonia – resulting in his spine being curved. To improve his posture and mobility, the team at DM Orthotics made him a suit which allows Jakov to move whilst providing the support his body needs.

“Jakov has a very large cobb angle of his spine, but isn’t able to have surgery,” says physiotherapist Pam Cowans. “The suit made an immediate difference to his spinal position and posture.
“He has to wear it for at least 13 hours a day to ensure his spine can grow in a better position, but he forgot about it straight after it was put on, which is exactly what we want.”
DM Orthotics has introduced a new DMO Essentials online range that includes stability shorts and a shoulder stability orthosis.
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