Glasgow firm commits 10 per cent of apprenticeships to young people with a disability

Credit Scottish Housing News, Twitter

10 per cent of modern apprenticeship places at property management firm Wheatley will be set aside for young people with disabilities.

The pledge has come as a commitment to tackling exclusion and disadvantage in the workplace after a plea was made by Glasgow City Councillor, Robert Mooney. It will mean people with a disability can have a paid nine-month placement within the group. 20% of Scotland’s population has a disability and the Scottish Government has made a big commitment to help more people with disabilities into sustainable, meaningful employment.

The apprentices will work with Wheatley and its partner organisations across the country. These include Glasgow Housing Association, Cube, Loretto Housing, YourPlace and West Lothian Housing Partnership.

The scheme, which is funded by the group’s charitable trust Wheatley Foundation, gives apprentices the opportunity to work across the business areas of housing, environment and grounds maintenance, finance, legal, communications and development.

More than 300 young people have taken up places on the scheme since 2009 which aims to tackle youth unemployment. Over 60 per cent of the apprentices recruited through the programme are from Scotland’s most deprived areas.

Find out more about the Wheatley Group modern apprenticeships here.

Learn more about if an apprenticeship is right for you here.

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