Today (6 April) will see British Blind Sport launch a week of audio described workouts delivered directly into the homes of the nation via Zoom.

We all know that at-home workouts are increasing in popularity, however, there have been calls for more inclusive and accessible workouts.
Already, Dame Kelly Holmes has introduced seated workouts to her Instagram sessions and more accessible activities are set to be aired.
British Blind Sport (BBS) have been working to engage inclusive deliverers who are experts at making activities accessible and enjoyable for people of any age and ability.
“We’re really excited about this new initiative,” enthuses Alex Pitts, national partnerships manager.
In conjunction with Sport England’s Join the Movement #StayInWorkOut campaign, BBS are kicking off their initiative with a week of live, audio described workouts, starting from today.
“With our usual method of delivery being postponed it was important for all of us at British Blind Sport to find a new way to engage our members and still provide ways for them to stay active and healthy at home – and I think we’ve found the perfect solution.
“We’ve partnered up with some fantastic deliverers who are inclusivity experts and will give our users a really accessible experience.
“These workouts will also add to a wider library of workouts and routines that we are creating, which will be available for anyone to access on the BBS website and Facebook page.”
Workout sessions will run as follows:
- Monday 6 April Boxercise with Able2B – Midday
- Tuesday 7 April Meditation with Blind Ambition – 5:30pm
- Wednesday 8 April Dance with Synergy Dance – 5:30pm
- Thursday 9th April HIIT with Inclusive Fitness Training – 5:30pm
- Friday 10 April Yoga with Synergy Dance – 5:30pm
Tailored to help people with sight loss the chance to relieve tension, the sessions will also create a sense of community. And it is hoped a new sense of community and exercise will support improved mental health.

BBS have also created Facebook group, British Blind Sport #StayInWorkOut, specifically for members and followers to come together and share their workout ideas and tips whilst staying in the house.
Once again, this community group will allow users to break down the barriers of social distancing and interact with others, becoming part of #TribeBBS.
To access Zoom links and join in with the live workout week, please join the Facebook Group British Blind Sport: Stay In Work Out by clicking here.
Are you excited to get active with BBS? Let the #EnableCommunity know on Twitter and Instagram.