Credit: @edjackson8
We talk to the former English professional rugby player Ed Jackson about documenting his recovery journey on social media after a serious injury, and climbing Snowdon.
Last year, the former back-row broke his neck diving into a pool and is now a recovering quadriplegic. His spinal cord injury left him temporarily paralysed from the neck down, and documenting his recovery online, made him go viral.
It started with taking voice notes on his phone in hospital after everyone had gone home. “One of my mates was rooting through my phone, being nosey and found my notes – he suggested making it public so it could help people. I thought it would reach a couple of people but it snowballed,” Ed says. “I went into social media hoping it would help people, but I’ve got a huge amount out of it: it probably helps me more than it helps others.
When I talked to people in a similar situation, I didn’t feel like I was alone. Although I knew I wasn’t alone, and I wasn’t the only person going through this, I needed to hear I was going to be fine from someone in a similar situation.” For Ed, documenting his journey on social media has been cathartic. “It helps me process what’s been happening to me, and it also gave me something to do when I was in hospital and needed a helpful distraction,” he explains. And his journey and recovery has been amazing to watch.
It’s been a year since his accident and he has two pieces of advice. “Don’t stop moving,” says the former professional athlete. “Even if you can’t move, keep imagining you’re moving. For four days I didn’t move a muscle, but I was imagining I was.” If you don’t move it, you lose it. “My other piece of advice is to get your friends and family involved in your physio,” says Ed.
“You don’t quite get all the time you need in the hospital, so you need to get everyone involved in your recovery. People feed off your motivation and so it’s important to be upbeat.” Another thing that Ed suggests is you take one day at a time. “I sleep a lot sounder if I have a goal or plan for the day, and I complete it,” he says, and advocates compartmentalising and concentrating one small task at a time.
April last year saw Ed being told by medical professionals that he might never walk again, so naturally he has decided that he will climb one of the highest mountains in the UK. “It’s not medically advisable,” he admits. “The training is going well. I decided to climb Snowdon in November, and it was good to have a goal to aim for in rehab. Once I found out how much support I had, I opened it up and invited other people to join me.”
Ed is raising awareness and support for the organisations who have offered him support; Restart Rugby, which is funding his rehab, The Matt Hampton Foundation, and the third is the Tom Maynard Trust.