We hear from David Smith OBE, who has been a Sirus customer since 2011. He tells us about his Drive From Wheelchair vehicle from Sirus Mobility and the essential space for his equipment and additional wheelchairs.

Eight years, 119,500 miles, my Sirus VW Caddy Drive From Wheelchair has been reliable, efficient, and averages 48 mpg. My new car is the Sirus Ford Connect – designed to enable me to drive from my wheelchair and switch to upfront passenger if and when I need it. My car gives me complete independence. Without the ability to drive, it would not be possible for me to get to my boccia training sessions and competitions.
Driving and travelling upfront
This conversion has a flat floor at the front, which means it is easy to manoeuvre into the drivers position and switch to the upfront passenger position when required via the interchangeable front seat. I have two fold down seats in the rear which is great for travelling with my friends and family. When I don’t need the seats and I need more space, they easily fold away.

Space for equipment in the rear
The Ford Connect gives me even more space in the rear, so I can transport my Boccia playing chair, an additional power chair, a shower chair, boccia equipment and luggage.
Fuel economy
The Ford Connect petrol engine gives me good fuel economy. This is really important to me as I do a lot of miles covering the whole of the UK training and competing. I did 110K miles in my first drive from wheelchair car, and 119.5K miles in my last car.
Drive quality
The Ford Connect is a really smooth drive, it drives like a car not a van. The petrol engine is quiet and smooth but very powerful. I drive with high tech controls installed by Adaptacar and the driving controls are amazing.