Across the UK and worldwide, medical professionals and carers are working tirelessly to ensure we all stay healthy during the COIVD-19 pandemic, and we want to help celebrate their work.
As we settle into a new way of living, frontline staff, NHS professionals, unpaid carers and PAs have been working around the clock to support everyone in our community.
It is clear we are living in an unprecedented and tough situation, and uniting has never been more critical. Now, Global radio stations are inviting listeners to #clapforourcarers on Thursday 26 March at 8pm.
Launched across LBC, Heart, Capital, Captial XTRA, Smooth, Classic FM, Radio X and Gold, each station will be working to Applaud Our NHS Heroes.
The stations are encouraging people to Clap for Carers from your windows, balconies, front doors or roof tops, this Thursday evening, to thank NHS workers who are helping to fight the battle against coronavirus.
James Rea, Global’s Director of Broadcasting said in a statement: “Over the past two weeks we have received an overwhelming number of sympathetic messages for NHS workers from our listeners.
“We have also heard directly from NHS staff about their plight to stem the spread of this deadly and unprecedented virus and to care for the many people who are being affected by it.
“Across every Global station, the outpouring of support for the NHS during this challenging time has been incredible and it therefore seems fitting that we use our 25 million listeners to amplify awareness of applauding our NHS heroes, thereby delivering the most enormous and deserved tribute, this Thursday night.”
This nationwide tribute is in recognition of the overwhelming and exhaustive plight of NHS staff across the country for their around-the-clock commitment to caring for patients throughout this unprecedented and uncertain time.
At 8pm this Thursday (26 March 2020) evening, all Global radio brands will stop everything to take a minute to Applaud our NHS Heroes and Clap for Carers by collectively asking the public to put their hands together and ‘make some noise’ for the doctors, nurses, carers, GP’s, pharmacists and all the NHS staff who are working to extremes to help those affected by coronavirus and to care for the sick.
Will you be tuning in? Let us know on Twitter and Instagram.