Enable magazine is distributed to a number of locations throughout the United Kingdom, including:
- Shopmobility Schemes
- Carers’ Centres (Princess Royal Trust for Carers)
- MS Therapy Centres
- Disability Organisations
- Branches of Remploy
- Independent Living Centres
- Occupational Therapy Departments
- Prosthetics Centres
- Wheelchair Service Centres
- Nursing Homes
- Job Centres
If you would like to know where your nearest distribution point is, just ask! Also, for those who work for an organisation and would like to distribute Enable magazine, let us know – we can provide you with boxes of 20 to 100 copies of the magazine free of charge for your service users. Head over to the Contact Us page to see how you can get in touch.
You can also subscribe to the magazine, bringing it straight to your door every other month for a small fee, click HERE to find out how.